This time, most of the post content is copied from XRAY. The idea is to have all clone behavior in one location and not per issue type, as in XRAY site.
Test Plan (and respective Board)
The new Test Plan will be created in a clean state, containing the original Tests without any execution related information. If hierarchical test organization, the Board folder structure is also cloned.
Test Execution
When cloning a Test Execution issue, all the Test issue associations will also be cloned. However, a new Test Run is created for each Test so that the new Test Execution issue has no execution state. Also:
If the test execution contains links to another issue (s), you can select whether or not to include the links in the new clone test execution.
If the test execution contains sub-tasks, you can select whether or not to create the sub-tasks in the new clone test execution.
If the test execution contains attachments, you can select whether or not to include the attachments in the new clone test execution.
Cloning a Test issue creates a new Test with all the information of the cloned Test, except its executions. Therefore, the cloned issue will not be associated with any Test Execution issue.
Test set
When cloning a Test Set issue, all the Test issue associations will also be cloned. Also:
If the test set contains links to another issue (s), you can select whether or not to include the links in the new clone test set.
If the test set contains sub-tasks, you can select whether or not to create the sub-tasks in the new clone test set.
If the test set contains attachments, you can select whether or not to include the attachments in the new clone test set.
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